Testata per la stampa


Oratorio San Mauro
Oratorio San Mauro

The oratory is dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary. It was built on an existing capital formed by two columns with weathered roofing and closed by a door.

Family Galasso wanted it to be built to remember the two sons killed during the First World War. It is in medieval style; you can admire a peculiar celtic cross on the ridge of the façade.

It has been renovated a few times, it has a single nave with an altar on which you can admire a round niche where sits a wooden Madonna with little Jesus on the throne of the 17th century.

The sculpture comes from the Carnia area and its style and form recalls the wooden works of Domenico da Tolmezzo’s workshop.

It was built again at the beginning of the 20th century on a preexistent votive chapel.

Oratorio San Mauro
Oratorio San Mauro

Fonte: Percorsi d'Arte, Storia ed Ambiente nel Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento

Progetto Co-finanziato dall'Unione Europea mediante il Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo regionale
Iniziativa comunitaria
Interreg IIIA Italia Slovenia 2000-2006
Asse 2 - misura 2.2 "Cooperazione trafrontaliera nel Turismo"
Codice Progetto: BBBVEN222448


Grazie al contributo ed ai ricordi tramandati dei signori Galasso di San Mauro (attuali proprietari dell’oratorioe della statua) e della signora Italia Carrara (pronipote del primo proprietario del simulacro).