Testata per la stampa


Ubicazione tra Via Colombara e la Roggia Vidimana, a Malafesta


Along the roggia Vidimana you can observe some air bubbles coming out in various spots, sometimes only few of them, sometimes abundantly.

These are the waters of the groundwater table coming to the surface. This is the most southern area of the Friuli Venezia-Giulia plain where you can observe the phenomenon of the resurgence and this characteristic is due to the geomorphic evolution which happened in this area in the last 4000 years.

Here the ground forms a hollow which corresponds to the ancient riverbed; in fact going 2 to 8 metres deep you can find gravel with pebbles which can reach 10 cm diameter.

The groundwatercan come out further down on the plain originating the phenomenon of the resurgencethanks to the lowland and the high permeability of the gravel.

Fonte: Percorsi d'Arte, Storia ed Ambiente nel Comune di San Michele al Tagliamento

Progetto Co-finanziato dall'Unione Europea mediante il Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo regionale
Iniziativa comunitaria
Interreg IIIA Italia Slovenia 2000-2006
Asse 2 - misura 2.2 "Cooperazione trafrontaliera nel Turismo"
Codice Progetto: BBBVEN222448